One Day…

It’s no surprise. For those of you who keep up with me, you know we would like more land one day. And while maybe the kids and I are the ones totally on board with this, we would also like some chickens, horses, a cow or two and a german shepherd. Easter brought us to our friend’s farm. A dairy farm complete with 62 cows – which I learned are what all females are called. The bulls reside somewhere else. The milk they produce actually goes to Land o Lakes to make butter. What was even more enjoyable was a calf getting loose and watching 5 men try to get her in the pen again. Or, maybe it was the guinea bird named Fred running amuck, being chased by the kids. I am not sure. But one thing is for sure, farms are magical to children. My son didn’t even think twice running in the barn between two lines of cows, that he could slip and fall into a pile of manure.

Vivian Maier

One of my desires for this space is to highlight amazing photographers. Mainly the ones that went unnoticed while they were alive.

I think as one ages, it is only normal to cut out articles from the newspaper or magazine and send them to your children. For some reason both my husband’s parents and my parents do this. Upon opening a letter addressed to me from my MIL, was a newspaper story about Vivian Maier.

I died. I gasped. And then I fell over. I was just so moved by the story and the work.

     all images © 2011 Maloof Collection, Ltd. — All Rights Reserved

It’s not hard to see why.

You can visit her site to learn more about her and the man that literally stumbled

upon all this goodness.


What I’ve been doing. It’s nothing really. Mostly, I am in the thick of training. 15-20 hours per week right now. Some weeks, those hours are unattainable. And I have to learn to be OK with that. When you are a mom, it’s just not possible to fit in a 5-hour training day. So I’ve learned to be efficient and effective with the time I have to give. My goal this year is to do well, really well. Qualify for some things. And with that comes the obligation to train outside of my comfort zone. To make it hurt. To push a little more.

I think with that being said, my goal this year is do more of that. Push myself to go beyond what is comfortable. Whether it be with photography, my training, my faith, etc. To travel to a place of unrest and uncertainty. To challenge myself in every sense of the word, physically, mentally, spiritually. I am tired of trying to fit into one mold, or, be apart of another. The biggest stride I’ve made in the last couple of months is being at peace with the fact I am a stay-at-home mom. When people ask me what I do, I respond with, “a mom.” And I end it at that. Because in the past I’ve wanted to include so many more things to make myself feel significant. In the past I’ve worked. This year I am in new territory and it’s taken some time to get used to. But at the beginning and end of each day I am a mom and a wife. All the other stuff is so temporary. And it really doesn’t matter.

So I’ve just been immersing myself with things. Sucking in all there is in the moment. Learning.

And I created this space to do just that. To not be a place of one thing or the other. But rather a collection of things that encompass me.

So thanks for visiting.

North Carolina

Dear Outer Banks,

I MISS you dearly.

It’s been almost two years since we visited.

And that, well that, just plain sucks.

But this year, we plan on going back.

To our beloved Hatteras Island.

We look forward to playing in the sand, the water and smelling the salt air.

Hearing the waves crash at night and those foul seagulls during the day.

For you are my muse.

And I missed taking pictures of you last year.

Rehoboth Beach just isn’t the same.

I like my beaches plain and unadorned.

I hope you are still the same.

I can’t wait to see you again.
